


叫 Michael的通常都很自负觉得自己受到众人喜欢,有点花痴 
叫 Jessica的通常都很精明算的很精讲话永远都有官方说法 
叫 Ruby 的也是蛮有自信的女强人多 
叫 Vincent 的通常官位都蛮大的也通常帅 
叫 Peggy 的没什么多半是名字里有个佩字 
叫 Larry 的通常长的黑黑阴阴的 
叫 Jennifer的通常都很机车,嘴巴很坏 
叫 Joyce 的通常都有点白痴 
叫 Jack 的看起来都很老实 ? 
叫 Irene 的通常都是知性美女 
叫 Claire 的甜姐儿多为傻大姐 
叫 Robert 的通常头都有点秃(要小心喔!) 
叫 Kenny 的通常调皮捣蛋 
叫 Catherine 的大美女多 
叫 Anita 的 通常小鼻子小眼睛 
叫 Michelle 的 通常都有点猪头 
叫 Vivian的通常都很娇气身材很好不过我们都叫他们肥肥安 
叫 Samantha 的 通常都是怨妇 
叫 Rita 的 精明的女人 
叫 Jackson 的通常有点自以为是 
叫 Thomas 的通常是有自信的臭屁王 
叫 Simon 的通常是有自傲的人 
叫 James 的通常都有点自恋 
叫 Peter 的通常都很啰嗦 
叫 Sam 的通常是快乐的要宝王 
叫 Hank 的通常是温和的有点迟疑的 
叫 Kevin 的通常长的蛮帅 
叫 Andy 的通常自认长的蛮帅 
叫 Angel 的 有点粘人的小女人 
叫 Golden 的通常爱喝酒 
叫 Jim 的通常是矮矮胖胖的 
叫 Docata 的通常都很自恋很自大 
叫 Tom 的通常很乡土 
叫 Jason 的通常带有一点邪气 
叫 Paul 的通常不是 Gay 就是很有钱
Tomorrow is another day,
Something will change
Nothing will last forever
Even happiness, even pain

Pains today could be sweets tomorrow
This is what nobody could tell
So I cherish everything today
Even happiness, even pain

It's wise for you to keep smiling in your life
For you'll never know how short it is
Until it's too late

Nobody like to regret
Then why not choose to smile?
That's what I want my life to be


我叫Simon , 但不是很自傲
Tomorrow is another day,
Something will change
Nothing will last forever
Even happiness, even pain

Pains today could be sweets tomorrow
This is what nobody could tell
So I cherish everything today
Even happiness, even pain

It's wise for you to keep smiling in your life
For you'll never know how short it is
Until it's too late

Nobody like to regret
Then why not choose to smile?
That's what I want my life to be

